News and projects that will help you to know us better

1 of june of 2022

La Càmara participates in a project to modernize the Amposta factory

Càmara Arrossera del Montsià y Sección de Crédito, S.C.C.C.L., submitted an application for aid under Resolution ARP/2259/2019, of 12 August, for the execution of the project "Expansion and modernization 2019 -2021" in the municipality of Amposta.

This application was approved on 14/03/2021, for an eligible amount of 1,364,267 €, and a grant of 422,922.77 €.
The main objective of the eligible investment was to improve the competitiveness of the industry with innovative processes for the transformation and/or commercialization of agricultural products.
In order to carry out this investment it has counted on an aid co-financed by the European Union and the Generalitat de Catalunya, specifically 57% of which is covered by the item AG06D/77000400/6130/0000 of the DARP budgets and 43% by the FEADER (European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development).

La Càmara participates in a project to modernize the Amposta factory

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La Càmara participates in a project to modernize the Amposta factory

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1 of june of 2022

La Càmara participates in a project to modernize the Amposta factory

Càmara Arrossera del Montsi&agra...

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